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Bitwise was searching for a clean, crisp, cohesive brand that would help them attract employees to meet the growing demand for their work.

Bitwise is a software and technology services company that works with federal customers to support missions of vital importance to national security. The company specializes in simplifying existing software and systems with focused processes and solutions that work simply and simply work.

Bitwise Billboard

Baseline Evaluation

Bit­wise rec­og­nized that their indus­try was inher­ent­ly seri­ous and often dry. Thus, they hoped to bring some fun and vibran­cy to their brand while remain­ing gen­uine and authen­tic. The Bit­wise team set­tled on the brand attrib­ut­es Pro­gres­sive, Craft­ed, and Vibrant. From there, it was up to us to build a brand that would pro­pel the com­pa­ny forward.

Bitwise Attributes
Bitwise Important

First Round of Ideation

In the first round of ideation, the con­cep­tu­al direc­tions pre­sent­ed to Bit­wise were Elab­o­rate­ly Sim­ple,” Ground Cov­er,” and Human Engi­neered.”

Elab­o­rate­ly Sim­ple” was pro­gres­sive in its approach to col­or, includ­ed an extreme­ly ver­sa­tile mark, and had a logo­type that strad­dled the line of tra­di­tion­al and mod­ern.

The Ground Cov­er” direc­tion explored the rela­tion­ship of peo­ple and tech­nol­o­gy. We played with ways we could com­bine the two visu­al­ly to com­mu­ni­cate a har­mo­nious jux­ta­po­si­tion.

And final­ly, Human Engi­neered” show­cased a logo­type com­plete­ly drawn from scratch that com­mu­ni­cat­ed human touch with a nod to technology.

Bitwise Directions

The Refinement Process

With the pre­ferred direc­tion nar­rowed down to Human Engi­neered,” we began hom­ing in on col­or and visu­al lan­guage. In addi­tion to the green-and-black palette, we want­ed to find oth­er options that were rel­e­vant and pleasing. 

​For the pat­tern style, we drew inspi­ra­tion from the linework in cir­cuit­ry dia­grams. Expand­ing on the W shape and straight lines com­mon­ly used, we also includ­ed curved lines and con­nec­tors to make the visu­al lan­guage real­ly robust and flexible.

Bitwise Refinements Color
Bitwise Mobile Avatar
Bitwise Pattern

Brand Style Guidelines

Once the final refine­ments were made, we craft­ed their Brand Style Guide­lines. These guide­lines spell out how to bring the new brand to life, includ­ing col­ors, logo and mark para­me­ters, pat­terns, and more.

The com­plete­ly cus­tom word­mark com­mu­ni­cates exper­tise and approach­a­bil­i­ty while also lean­ing mod­ern with its mix of thin and thick strokes. In addi­tion, the mono­gram B was tak­en from the word­mark. It’s a bold visu­al that can be scaled up as a graph­i­cal ele­ment or scaled way down to fav­i­con size.

While blue may be com­mon in the com­pet­i­tive land­scape, there isn’t one quite like this. The light blue, yel­low, and green add a wel­com­ing vibe, while the dark blue and cream evoke trust­wor­thi­ness. Bitwise’s typog­ra­phy com­bines GT Ultra and GT Amer­i­ca to build type hier­ar­chy.

The pat­tern work intro­duced in the refine­ment process pre­sent­ed a great way to add visu­al intrigue to a com­po­si­tion. Based on cir­cuit­ry schemat­ics, it adds a craft­ed and vibrant feel to the over­all sys­tem. There were two dif­fer­ent ver­sions of this pat­tern: one that was more elab­o­rate (includ­ing W shapes, curved lines, and con­nec­tors), and one that was more sim­plis­tic (sole­ly W shapes and straight lines). Either can be used based on com­po­si­tion and complexity.

Bitwise Refinements GT Ultra
Bitwise Refinements GT America
Bitwise Logotype
Bitwise Posters
Bitwise Socks
Bitwise Business Card
Bitwise Web
Bitwise Shirt
Bitwise Water Bottle
Bitwise Out Of Home
We’d love to hear about your brand and business challenges, even if you’re not sure what your next step is. No pitch, no strings attached.