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Climb Hire

On a mission to mobilize the underserved through career advancement, Climb Hire needed a new identity that captured the power of their vision.

According to HubSpot, 85% of jobs are filled through networking. That’s a daunting statistic for people trying to start a new career without connections or support, and that’s where Climb Hire steps in. As a nonprofit, Climb Hire empowers working adults to break into high-growth industries through new skills and a supportive community. In addition to technical and people skills, Climb Hire has a focus on experiential learning to connect their cohort with their new industry. The average program participant (or Climber) sees an average income increase of $26k — a life-changing step toward economic mobility.

Climb Hire Previous Identity

Brand Evaluation

Climb Hire’s exist­ing brand helped them achieve great things, but they rec­og­nized it was time for their next evo­lu­tion. The pri­ma­ry teal col­or strug­gled with acces­si­bil­i­ty on white back­grounds, and the visu­al iden­ti­ty felt lim­it­ing. After eval­u­at­ing their top com­peti­tors, we saw a huge oppor­tu­ni­ty for a warmer palette. Addi­tion­al­ly, the Climb Hire team land­ed on Moti­vat­ing, Empa­thet­ic, and Straight­for­ward as their brand attrib­ut­es. With those insights in mind, we rec­om­mend­ed mov­ing for­ward with bold, warm col­ors, a focus on indi­vid­u­als in pho­tog­ra­phy, and pow­er­ful CTAs.

We dis­tilled our ini­tial brand eval­u­a­tion work into a Sin­gle Most Impor­tant Thing (or SMIT): Your Future is Bright. This mantra would fre­quent­ly be ref­er­enced through­out the project to make sure it was being appro­pri­ate­ly communicated. 

Climb Hire Brand Attributes


The pri­ma­ry mark for Climb Hire builds on the idea of, well, build­ing. It’s an abstract rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the upward path the Climb Hire com­mu­ni­ty cre­ates in sup­port of its mem­bers. It’s also a tes­ta­ment to per­se­ver­ance. Despite the mark’s asym­me­try and each shape being askew, it ulti­mate­ly cre­ates a whole that’s greater than the sum of its parts. 

The mark is paired with a semi-mono­space type­face, a style that is com­plete­ly absent from all com­peti­tors, whether in their logos or brand­ed typo­graph­ic systems.

The H” in Hire” has also been mod­i­fied to echo the tilts of the mark and visu­al­ly rep­re­sent upward growth.

Climb Hire Logo Refinements
Climb Hire Logo Mark
Climb Hire Flag Mock
Climb Hire Final Logo

Visual Language

Car­rie is a type­face that is full of his­to­ry. Designed by Tré Seals of Vocal Type, the type­face is named for notable suf­frage leader Car­rie Chap­man Catt and is based on protest sig­nage from the suf­fragette move­ment, bold­ly speak­ing to Climb Hire’s ded­i­ca­tion to lift­ing up oth­ers. We car­ried the hand­made protest sig­nage direc­tion fur­ther by also intro­duc­ing a rolled-ink tex­ture and dynam­ic typog­ra­phy to the visu­al system.

The cor­ner­stone of the Climb Hire visu­al iden­ti­ty is the out­spo­ken type treat­ment of bold, tilt­ed head­lines that bleed off the edge. What bet­ter way to rep­re­sent break­ing through and ris­ing up than lit­er­al­ly break­ing through and ris­ing up through com­po­si­tion? The imper­fect nature of this treat­ment illus­trates a pow­er­ful, hands-on feel that res­onates with our audi­ence of Climbers.

To com­ple­ment Car­rie, Diatype Semi-Mono cap­tures the same grass­roots feel­ings and pairs well with Carrie’s retro flair. Mono­space fonts exist for the express pur­pose of type­writ­ers and com­put­er sys­tems, so this choice nods to the tech land­scape many Climbers aspire to. For extra cohe­sion, Diatype is also used for the logotype.

Climb Hire Brand Guidelines Grid
Climb Hire Typography 1
Climb Hire Typography 2
Climb Hire Type Stack

We wanted to make sure we developed a color palette so unapologetically different from the brand’s competitive landscape that Climb Hire would become the main character in every space. Initially, we explored two types of palettes: one bright and vibrant, and one a bit more subdued. In a “why not both?” moment, we combined two color palettes into one perfect blend. It provides an opportunity to create bold, vibrant impact. The variety of hues paves the way for tonal pattern executions, subtle contrast, and overall color flexibility. The added pops of motion and bold color, combined with a full-bleed application, makes the ramp language an immediately identifiable visual indicator of the Climb Hire brand.

Climb Hire Color Palette
Climb Hire Pattern 1
Climb Hire Pattern 2
Climb Hire Billboard
Climb Hire Social
Climb Hire Thermos
Climb Hire Stationary
Climb Hire Custom Badge

Brand Support

The new Climb Hire brand is vibrant and full of ener­gy. We were lucky enough to help the Climb Hire team apply it to dozens of touch­points through our Brand Sup­port offer­ing. To pre­pare them for their launch, we cre­at­ed busi­ness cards, LinkedIn ban­ners, let­ter­heads, social graph­ics, and more. We can con­firm the brand is just as fun to imple­ment as it was to create. 

Climb Hire Brand Support
Climb Hire Linked In
Climb Hire BC
I’m absolutely ADORING designing with our new brand! Huge shoutout to Odi — y’all are absolute GOATS of the design space. It’s such a fun experience to share stories about our Climbers through a brand lens that truly captures the work we do. If you’re looking to rebrand, I beg of you — please work with this team!
Jacey Aldredge, Digital Marketing Manager, Climb Hire
Climb Hire End Slide
We’d love to hear about your brand and business challenges, even if you’re not sure what your next step is. No pitch, no strings attached.