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Vizard is a web-based solution for video content repurposing. With a product that feels like magic, they needed an identity to match.

Vizard helps content marketers fully utilize what they have on hand, create stunning content at scale, and reach more audiences. Their products leverage advanced technologies such as voice and image recognition to help customers create engaging and interactive videos effortlessly.

Vizard Intro Image
Vizard Previous Identity

Brand Evaluation

Video con­tent is a key pil­lar to suc­cess­ful con­tent mar­ket­ing strate­gies, but tra­di­tion­al video edit­ing soft­ware has a steep learn­ing curve and high price tag. Tar­get­ing non-pro­fes­sion­al video edi­tors, Vizard has to feel effort­less for the time-strapped con­tent mar­keters and social media man­agers try­ing to get a time­ly Reel pro­duced and pub­lished. Appro­pri­ate­ly, the Vizard team iden­ti­fied their brand attrib­ut­es as Effort­less, Trans­for­ma­tive, and Essential. 

From there, we arrived at their Sin­gle Most Impor­tant Thing (SMIT): Enchant­i­ng­ly Intel­li­gent. The new Vizard brand need­ed to cap­ture that sense of mag­ic when a tech­nol­o­gy works effortlessly.

From a brand stand­point, Vizard’s com­peti­tors blend togeth­er in techy blues, gra­di­ents, and non­de­script sans serif type­faces. You could eas­i­ly research each com­peti­tor and strug­gle to remem­ber which is which; that meant an excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty for Vizard.

Vizard Attributes


Play­ing into the moniker of Vizard, the logo­mark show­cas­es the mag­ic behind the brand’s capa­bil­i­ties. We explored a wand being the mag­i­cal touch that Vizard uses to refor­mat videos. These explo­rations focused on the phys­i­cal wand itself, along with the effects it conjured.

We dubbed the final mark Spark. It uti­lizes a spoked wheel as the encom­pass­ing shape for the wand and accom­pa­ny­ing effects. The han­dle of the wand is inten­tion­al­ly a dif­fer­ent col­or for dis­tinc­tion, as well as slight­ly extend­ed with­out break­ing the bar­ri­ers of the con­tain­er of the shape in its entirety.

The intent was to cre­ate a mark that felt tech-for­ward but that would not fade into the com­pet­i­tive landscape.

The logo­type is a slight­ly cus­tomized ver­sion of Deg­u­lar. The clean but fun let­ter­forms paired with the heavy weight leads to a logo­type that feels sim­ple and mod­ern, but not alienating.

Vizard Logo Detail
Vizard Merch 2
Vizard Final Logo

Visual Language

The col­or palette fea­tures an anal­o­gous scheme with sub­tle tran­si­tions between col­ors, cre­at­ing a mag­i­cal feel­ing and bring­ing the brand to life. 

Vizard’s gra­di­ent is one of the more flex­i­ble ele­ments of the brand. It can range from two to five col­ors depend­ing on the avail­able real estate and desired com­po­si­tion. The soft tran­si­tions between col­ors feel effort­less, but enchant­i­ng, like a mys­te­ri­ous potion brew­ing in a cauldron.

We also uti­lized the logo­mark to cre­ate a pat­tern that can be used in a num­ber of ways. The repeat­ing logo­mark trans­forms from a spark­ing wand into a field of geo­met­ric sparkles.

Vizard Brand Guidelines Grid
Vizard Typography 1
Vizard Typography
Vizard Type Stack
Vizard Pattern
Vizard Laptop Mockup
Vizard Iconography
Vizard Social Mockup
Vizard Billboard 2
Vizard Merch Mockup
Vizard Billboard

Brand Support

A brand’s work is nev­er done! After final­iz­ing the details of their new brand, Vizard enlist­ed our Brand Sup­port team for help with apply­ing it to their web­site, prod­uct, and social media. Gra­di­ents and sub­tle, but delight­ful, inter­ac­tions help bring that sense of mag­ic to the web experience.

Vizard bs product
Vizard bs linked
Vizard built2
Vizard bs button
Vizard bs productillo
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