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By leveraging data and powerful automations, offers the only platform that product-led companies need to engage their audiences with the communications people actually want.

The brand was versatile and vast, but its positioning fell flat, particularly with new customers. It was time to reintroduce to the world with a brand story that captures its core mission and distinction, and in turn, allows the company to grow and expand its platform and portfolio.


Brand Insights

Cus​tomer​.io began with our Brand Insights offer­ing, an audit into their exist­ing brand from our team. We iden­ti­fied a few key areas where their brand could help them get clos­er to their goals of rel­e­vance, evo­lu­tion, and momentum.

Their team wor­ried that their name, Cus​tomer​.io,” was lim­it­ing. We felt their name equi­ty out­weighed the lim­i­ta­tions, and they’d be bet­ter served clar­i­fy­ing their posi­tion­ing and revi­tal­iz­ing their brand. After review­ing our rec­om­men­da­tions, we moved for­ward with their brand story. 

Previous Identity
Customerio Pattern

Verbal Work

Cus​tomer​.io came to us hav­ing out­grown their exist­ing posi­tion­ing. After explor­ing and test­ing their dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion – and con­sid­er­ing where they were head­ed – we decid­ed to empha­size’s data-dri­ven and delight­ful-to-use nature. We refo­cused posi­tion­ing to be about the cus­tomers them­selves vs. Cus​tomer​.io.

Our ver­bal work kicked off with a Brand Sto­ry, which estab­lished’s ethos and inject­ed some much-need­ed emo­tion into the brand. A USP and Val­ue Propo­si­tion car­ried both the posi­tion­ing and brand nar­ra­tive for­ward and informed’s tagline, Say more, more powerfully.” 

Customerio Verbal
Customerio verbal2
Customerio Verbal3

Logo’s logo was inspired by its brand attrib­ut­es: Pow­er­ful, Adap­tive, Human. The logo rep­re­sents the brand’s data-dri­ven approach, focus on being a user-cen­tric plat­form, and com­mit­ment to acti­va­tion. The three parts of the logo fit togeth­er to cre­ate a cohe­sive nar­ra­tive, each one treat­ing a crit­i­cal aspect of’s identity: 

  • Data – the uti­liza­tion of diverse data sources

  • Plat­form – the cus­tomer-cen­tric platform

  • Acti­va­tion – for­ward momentum

Customerio Logo Detail
Customerio Logo Sign
Customerio Refinement

Visual Language

Our stand­out col­ors, Ever­green and Ver­dant, sym­bol­ize growth, har­mo­ny, and bal­ance. They are sup­port­ed by a sec­ondary and ter­tiary palette that intro­duce bright­ness and ener­gy. We land­ed on Saans, a type­face cho­sen for its per­son­al­i­ty and read­abil­i­ty, to con­vey our messaging. 

In keep­ing with the col­or and type­face choic­es,’s pro­fes­sion­al-yet-casu­al por­trait pho­tog­ra­phy style ampli­fies a sense of ener­gy, momen­tum, and opti­mism. Prod­uct pho­tog­ra­phy makes lib­er­al use of the brand palette, as well as the cho­sen visu­al lan­guage, which orig­i­nates from the three shapes found in the logo. 

Customerio Guidelines
Customerio Typography1
Customerio Typography2
Customerio Data Pattern
Customerio Pattern2
Customerio Mockups
Customerio Iconography2
Customerio Mockups1
Customerio Mac Book
Customerio Mockups3
Customerio Mockups4
Customerio billboard
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