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Running a restaurant is hard work: long hours, slim margins, and a hundred moving parts to manage. Tarro exists to help restaurant owners do more with less, reducing stress and increasing revenue.

Local restaurants are the heartbeat of their communities, but their proprietors are often overworked with little return. Founded by the son of restaurateurs, Tarro understands the challenges its clients face daily and seeks to create the “technology all restaurants run on.”

From taking phone orders to payment processing, Tarro helps restaurants see a 10% to 20% increase in revenue, which makes a huge difference for the bottom line. Already serving over 3,000 restaurants, Tarro was ready to break into new markets and needed a more established identity for its next phase of growth.

Brand Evaluation

The Tar­ro team iden­ti­fied its brand attrib­ut­es as Friend­ly, Car­ing, Gen­uine, and Insight­ful. It was impor­tant for Tar­ro to be per­ceived as a trust­ed part­ner for clients. Grow­ing up in a restau­rant him­self, Tarro’s CEO under­stands the ded­i­ca­tion it takes to run an estab­lish­ment, and the pain points that make it unnec­es­sar­i­ly difficult. 

Tarro’s most direct com­peti­tors haven’t embraced brand and feel very tech­ni­cal. That cre­at­ed a huge oppor­tu­ni­ty for Tar­ro to not only deliv­er com­pet­i­tive solu­tions, but also con­nect with clients emo­tion­al­ly and cham­pi­on the unsung heroes of the industry.

After our eval­u­a­tion, we nar­rowed down Tarro’s Sin­gle Most Impor­tant Thing (SMIT) to Sat­is­fac­tion Through Thought­ful Sim­plic­i­ty. Tar­ro and its intu­itive offer­ings exist to help restau­rants run more smoothly. 

Tarro Previous Identity
Tarro Pattern


Inspired by the heart-shaped leaves that adorn a taro plant, the logo­mark evokes feel­ings of peace, hope, and joy. Although the plant didn’t inspire the Tar­ro moniker, it did pro­vide a sim­ple logo­mark solu­tion that aligned close­ly with the brand attrib­ut­es and SMIT.

The logo­type is a slight­ly altered instance of Deg­u­lar. The exag­ger­at­ed ink traps give the per­fect touch of play­ful­ness to an oth­er­wise sin­cere word­mark. It rep­re­sents a con­fi­dent yet friend­ly approach to a ser­vice-cen­tric iden­ti­ty and sym­bol­izes the sim­ple thought­ful­ness with which Tar­ro serves clients. 

Tarro Refinement
Logo explorations
Tarro Hoodie
Tarro Final Logo

Visual Language

Dea­con is Tarro’s pri­ma­ry brand font. Its strong and pow­er­ful design injects a sense of con­fi­dence and pride, while the heavy weight feels approach­able and ener­getic. Ques­tri­al is Tarro’s sec­ondary type­face, exud­ing a sense of pro­fes­sion­al­ism and support. 

The col­or palette inten­tion­al­ly con­veys sup­port­ive­ness and friend­li­ness. Cus­tom pri­ma­ry hues Taro and Flour anchor the brand, while a sup­port­ing cast that fea­tures Mint, Rhubarb, Tan­ger­ine, Mus­tard, Cilantro, Berry, and Acai gives a play­ful nature to the iden­ti­ty. The extend­ed palettes will pro­vide flex­i­bil­i­ty and acces­si­bil­i­ty in dig­i­tal environments.

Tar­ro has a pow­er­ful sto­ry to tell, so we lever­aged a strat­e­gy of express­ing that nar­ra­tive through a com­bi­na­tion of image and typog­ra­phy. Through dip­tychs, mar­ket­ing can high­light the con­trast between the bad” and the good,” or a before-and-after with Tarro.

And since restau­rants are where Tar­ro’s clients will lit­er­al­ly expe­ri­ence the ben­e­fits of the brand and its prod­ucts, it’s impor­tant to high­light those environments.

Tarro Guidelines Grid
Tarro Color Palette
Tarro Typography 1
Tarro Typography
Tarro Site Mockup
Tarro Phone Photography
Tarro Stock
Tarro Subway Ad
Tarro Site Mock 2
Tarro More Showcase
Tarro End
We’d love to hear about your brand and business challenges, even if you’re not sure what your next step is. No pitch, no strings attached.