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Illoominus is the turnkey people insights platform that integrates and gives context on HR data within and across companies.

Illoominus empowers people leaders to confidently invest in data-driven strategies that transform organizations into people-first workplaces and with such an important mission, Illoominus needed a brand that booms.

Illoominus 2600 0005 box

Baseline Evaluation

Illoomi­nus pre­vi­ous visu­al iden­ti­ty did not por­tray the grav­i­ty of what they’re accom­plish­ing: equip­ping lead­ers to under­stand the employ­ee jour­ney — across sourc­ing, hir­ing, engage­ment, pro­mo­tions, and reten­tion — and best address their orga­ni­za­tions’ most press­ing chal­lenges. Appro­pri­ate­ly, Illoomi­nus iden­ti­fied their brand attrib­ut­es as Encour­ag­ing, Pow­er­ful, and Insightful.

After an audi­ence and com­peti­tor analy­sis, it was time to devel­op a visu­al strat­e­gy to help the brand stand out in the HR tech mar­ket. We cre­at­ed mood boards based on Illoomi­nus’ brand attrib­ut­es. The Illoomi­nus team agreed on a direc­tion, cul­mi­nat­ing in iden­ti­fy­ing the Sin­gle Most Impor­tant Thing to get right in their visu­al iden­ti­ty: Sim­ple. Soul­ful. Solved.

Illoominus working 01
Illoominus vizstrat 03
Illoominus vizstrat 02

First Round of Ideation

Our first round of ideation began with a few visu­al con­cepts: Lampyris,” Thor­ough­fare,” and Day­break.”

Inspired by fire­flies light­ing the night sky and illu­mi­nat­ing a path for­ward, Lampyris” rep­re­sented the role that Illoomi­nus plays in the HR tech land­scape. The design in Thor­ough­fare” was inspired by wind­ing roads, sym­bol­iz­ing a busi­ness’ jour­ney to suc­cess with Illoomi­nous to guide them. Final­ly, Day­break” was the most on-the-nose con­cept, rep­re­sent­ed by a sun­rise-inspired mark.

Illoominus firstround

The Refinement Process

Of the pre­sent­ed con­cepts, Lampyris” won out. How­ev­er, the Illoomi­nus team res­onat­ed with the sto­ry­telling behind the wind­ing visu­al lan­guage ele­ment from the Thor­ough­fare” con­cept. We were able to apply ele­gance and abstrac­tion to the unique wind­ing flight pat­terns of the fire­fly, cre­at­ing a scal­able visu­al lan­guage ele­ment that still ties close­ly to the brand’s mis­sion. With this new cen­tral­ized visu­al direc­tion, Illoomi­nus was well on its way to its final­ized brand.

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Illoominus 1300 0003 mobilev2
Illoominus working 07
Illoominus logorefine
Refining the firefly mark
Illoominus working 09

Brand Style Guidelines

Based on feed­back, we shift­ed the col­or palette to be ground­ed in a dusty navy col­or that we dubbed Gen­tian, after the blue flower. The col­or fam­i­ly now had a bal­ance of light and dark, cool and warm, and bright and sub­dued. This cre­ated a well-round­ed brand col­orscape that feels more rep­re­sen­ta­tive and inclu­sive. Each col­or received a new moniker inspired by flow­ers and fau­na. This was yet anoth­er way to high­light Illoomi­nus’ com­mit­ment to growth.

Uti­liz­ing GT Alpina as the type­face for the logo­type was an easy choice. It has the friend­ly yet refined air that we were look­ing for with the Lampyris con­cept. The logo­type felt mod­ern but endur­ing, fresh but time­less. We also want­ed to off­set the rec­ti­tude of GT Alpina by inject­ing some casu­al­ness into the brand. GT Wal­sheim is famil­iar in the tech land­scape, but it isn’t over­done. It con­tains the per­fect amount of leg­i­bil­i­ty and pre­ci­sion to act as the brand’s sec­ondary typeface.

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Illoominus working 08
Illoominus working 05
Illoominus 1300 0008 illosample
Illoominus 1300 0007 tote
Illoominus 2600 0000 sign v2
Illoominus 1300 0005 hoodie
Illoominus 1300 0006 waterbottle
Illoominus 2600 0002 stationary

Brand Support

Through our Brand Sup­port offer­ing, we were able to offer Illoomi­nus the assets need­ed to imple­ment their new brand. We reskinned exist­ing key pages to estab­lish an on-brand visu­al web expe­ri­ence. We also made a one pager and an illus­tra­tion for the employ­ee journey.

Illoominus letterhead2
Illoominus faq
Illoominus employee
Illoominus website
Working with Odi was a difference-maker for the stage we were at because the team there proactively found ways to help us and were clearly rooting for us to succeed!
Noelle London, Founder + CEO, Illoominus

Post-Project Impact

We’d love to hear about your brand and business challenges, even if you’re not sure what your next step is. No pitch, no strings attached.