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From emerging startups to enterprise business, Clevyr helps turn visionary ideas into innovative technology.

Their team delivers custom software development and ongoing support to make organizations more intelligent, data-driven, and interconnected. Clevyr needed a cohesive and timeless brand identity rooted in human-centric qualities and elevated visuals that would position the brand with new opportunities to expand.

Brand Evaluation

We eval­u­ated the com­pet­i­tive land­scape with those in the direct and broad indus­try who speak to the same audi­ence. Over­all, we found a huge gap in qual­i­ty brand­ing. Clevyr need­ed to con­vey trust, tech­ni­cal exper­tise and secu­ri­ty, and reli­a­bil­i­ty when walk­ing into meet­ings with major enter­prise clients. The Sin­gle Most Impor­tant Thing (SMIT) for this rebrand was to con­vey​“High-Tech Human­i­ty.” With grow­ing con­cern that tech will replace human work­ers, Clevyr cham­pi­ons a world where peo­ple and tech thrive along­side each other.

Clevyr Previous
Clevyr Photo1
Clevyr Attributes
Clevyr Wristbands
Clevyr Photo2


Build­ing on Clevyr’s brand attrib­ut­es, the new mark is called Rey­nard. The motif is inspired by two things: the cun­ning and clever nature of the fox, and the grace and beau­ty with which it car­ries itself. We want­ed to ele­vate the cur­rent mark and com­mu­ni­cate that Clevyr is an expert with tech­ni­cal prowess. 

To bal­ance out the sophis­ti­ca­tion, and to give the logo­type a more tech-for­ward feel­ing, we uti­lized an edit­ed ver­sion of Resolve Wide for the brand’s word­mark. The wideset let­ter­forms and all-caps for­mat gives the brand a bal­anced and trust­wor­thy vibe.

Clevyr Iterations
Clevyr Fox Color

Visual Language

Typog­ra­phy is an often over­looked tool in the visu­al lan­guage tool kit. Red Hat is a work­horse. A sim­ple sans serif type­face with its mix of strong let­ter­forms and sub­tle curves, it con­veys a sense of con­sis­ten­cy and author­i­ty. GT Amer­i­ca Mono adds sub­tle hints of tech­nol­o­gy. The com­bi­na­tion is a true hier­ar­chy that exudes time­less­ness and forward-thinking.

Clevyr Second Type

The col­or palette is an exten­sion and re-imag­i­na­tion of the cur­rent Clevyr palette. We pushed and pulled on the val­ues to give it more vibran­cy and inten­si­ty. All of that cul­mi­nates in a much more mod­ern effect.

Pat­tern is a flex­i­ble asset that can be toned up or down depend­ing on what the moment calls for. Our Pelage pat­tern takes inspi­ra­tion from the fox’s fur. It flows, rip­ples, and trans­forms. It’s a sub­tle nod to Clevyr’s cus­tomiza­tion and tai­lored approach, and is flex­i­ble and adap­tive with­in the Clevyr brand.

Clevyr Main Colors
Clevyr Lanyard
Clevyr Waterbottle
Clevyr Second Colors
Clevyr Biz Card
Clevyr Poster
Clevyr Fur

Pho­tog­ra­phy is a pow­er­ful dif­fer­en­tia­tor in the com­pet­i­tive land­scape, which leans on gener­ic tech or whim­si­cal illus­tra­tions. Pho­tog­ra­phy allows Clevyr to gain an edge by bring­ing in visu­als with real peo­ple expe­ri­enc­ing the ben­e­fits of seam­less tech­nol­o­gy. We’re not focused on the tech itself — we’re focused on the pos­i­tive feel­ings and out­comes that Clevyr’s solu­tions empow­er peo­ple to have.

The result is an endur­ing and uni­fied brand iden­ti­ty, ground­ed in human­i­ty and enhanced by sophis­ti­cat­ed visu­als, that opens up fresh avenues for Clevyr to con­tin­ue to expand and reach a grow­ing num­ber of best-fit customers.

Clevyr Insta
Clevyr Macbook li
Clevyr IPA
Clevyr Coaster
Clevyr Macbook2
Everything felt very intentional. We left going ‘wow,’ we want to structure things like [Odi] does.
Clint Williams, Senior Sales Executive, Clevyr
We’d love to hear about your brand and business challenges, even if you’re not sure what your next step is. No pitch, no strings attached.