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Amplify Group is the go-to-market and revenue expert, providing consulting services to B2B startups and small- to medium-sized businesses.

Effectively and efficiently bringing products or services to market can be a complex and challenging process involving multiple steps such as market research, customer segmentation, product positioning, pricing, distribution, and marketing and sales execution. Amplify solves these problems by empowering emerging businesses to accelerate growth through scalable revenue leadership, digital transformation, and integrated partnership.

Amplify flag

Baseline Evaluation

Rev­enue is a fun­da­men­tal mea­sure­ment for con­tin­ued fundrais­ing and sur­vival. Amplify’s on a mis­sion to make GTM (mar­ket­ing, sales, and cus­tomer ser­vice) eas­i­er and more approach­able for more star­tups to suc­ceed. Amplify’s new brand need­ed to reflect that goal, and after audit­ing the visu­al iden­ti­ties of their com­peti­tors, we iden­ti­fied oppor­tu­ni­ties for dis­tinc­tion and clichés to avoid.

Then the Ampli­fy team iden­ti­fied their brand attrib­ut­es as Vibrant, Sin­cere, and Tac­ti­cal. These led us to their Sin­gle Most Impor­tant Thing (aka SMIT): Sin­cere­ly Spirited. 

We explored sim­ple, sub­tle col­or palettes, vin­tage col­or palettes, serif type­faces, and a few non-tra­di­tion­al logo lockups.

Previous Identity Amplify
Attributes Amplify
SMIT or General Amplify


Amplify’s mark is called Wave­length, tak­ing inspi­ra­tion from fre­quen­cy waves. Like the name sug­gests, Ampli­fy ampli­fies their clients’ impact. 

This mark lands per­fect­ly in the spot of unique and rep­re­sen­ta­tive. It feels nuanced, with­out feel­ing over­ly mas­cu­line or techy. We also pushed the con­no­ta­tions of growth with leaf-like compositions.

Refinement potential logo refinements Amplify
Maybe a logo detail Amplify
Logo Showcase Mockup Amplify
Final Logo Amplify

Visual Language

The Broad Fre­quen­cy pat­tern is intend­ed to mim­ic the impact that Ampli­fy has in the GTM space, using sim­ple repeat­ing shapes to cre­ate waves. It can be used at dif­fer­ent scales as a back­ground ele­ment to add some depth and aes­thet­ic inter­est. A clos­er cropped fre­quen­cy wave and scale graph­ics work well in this visu­al identity.

This col­or palette show­cas­es a bal­ance between Amplify’s Vibrant and Sin­cere val­ues. Deep greens ground the brand in sub­tle­ty while unex­pect­ed bright hues bring hits of excite­ment and joy.

Amplify’s pho­to­graph­ic pres­ence is almost sole­ly focused on moun­tains and moun­tain ranges. Used spar­ing­ly, these ele­ments high­light the upward tra­jec­to­ry and scal­ing of a client’s busi­ness or product.

Big Brand Guidelines Grid Amplify
Color Palette can be square or wide Amplify
Typography Amplify 1
Typography Amplify
Type Stack Amplify
Pattern Amplify
Mockups Amplify 1
Iconography Amplify
Mockups Amplify
Mockups Amplify 2
Mockups Amplify 3
More Showcase Amplify
From the initial consultation to the final implementation, working with Odi has been an absolute pleasure. They took the time to understand our company’s vision, values, and goals, and translated them into an innovative, impactful, and cohesive brand identity. Their attention to detail and dedication to capturing our essence was remarkable.
Jessica Schultz, Founder & CEO, Amplify
End on a Strong Full Width Amplify

Post-Project Impact

We’d love to hear about your brand and business challenges, even if you’re not sure what your next step is. No pitch, no strings attached.