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One word: belief. The belief that finance and accounting teams deserve world-class software to drive their organizations to the next level. The belief that unsolvable problems can be … solved. With automation. With Comulate.

It’s belief backed up by knowledge and knowhow. Comulate knows well the challenges that insurance, finance, and accounting teams have faced for decades. And Comulate knows the solution lies in working with — not competing against — vendors to modernize the entire industry and foster connectivity through technology.

But what does modernization look like? Think reduced costs through the automation of direct bill workflows and the automatic identification of mission commissions. Or automated carrier statement processing, reconciliation, revenue recovery, and forecasting. Still, there’s more. But these kinds of innovations are only possible under two conditions: industry stakeholders have to know what’s possible, and they have to trust the technology to make it happen.

So, Comulate came to Odi to create a brand that conveyed, above all else, one critical theme: “Belief Beyond Limits.”

Comulate2 odiintro


Belief Beyond Lim­its” became the cen­tral theme — or Sin­gle Most Impor­tant Thing (SMIT) — that Comu­late and Odi iden­ti­fied to dri­ve the brand’s future. The theme emerged after a thor­ough eval­u­a­tion of both Comulate’s goals and the company’s competitors. 

As the brand work kicked off, the project team iden­ti­fied the need to craft a brand that went beyond its cur­rent lim­its, demys­ti­fied rev­enue automa­tion, and that would empow­er finance teams to be the heroes in their orga­ni­za­tions. It was a chal­leng­ing task to say the least, and one com­pli­cat­ed by a com­peti­tor set fea­tur­ing brands that had very cohe­sive visu­al iden­ti­ties. Still, Odi was able to iden­ti­fy areas where Comu­late could dis­tin­guish itself. 

For exam­ple, all com­peti­tors employed sans serif type­faces. And while some com­peti­tors used two col­ors and oth­ers used more, they by and large played it safe with their schemes. 

Giv­en Comulate’s desire to mod­ern­ize the insur­ance finance and account­ing ecosys­tem, Odi led the com­pa­ny through a brand attrib­ut­es exer­cise that high­light­ed three key char­ac­ter­is­tics that would fur­ther shape the brand: Mod­ern, Focused, and Sophisticated. 

Comulate Previous Identity
Comulate Attributes
Comulate2 smit


Automa­tion. Agili­ty. Focus. These inspi­ra­tions are found with­in Comulate’s mark, which took cues from a spoke-like design and trans­formed into some­thing icon­ic, with bold­er, weight­i­er strokes — and the essence of forces com­ing togeth­er to make some­thing whol­ly new. 

Com­ple­ment­ing that syn­er­gis­tic force is a cus­tom logo­type, built using Oat­meal Pro and bal­anc­ing a sim­ple, clean aes­thet­ic with a sophis­ti­cat­ed, upbeat per­son­al­i­ty. Of note, Odi’s design team made unique mod­i­fi­ca­tions to both the a” and t” in Comu­late,” to cre­ate an own­able, all-low­er­case logo­type with even more distinction. 

Comulate3 refinement
Comulate2 Logo Showcase Mockup
Comulate2 Final Logo

Visual Language

Comulate’s brand is anchored in a pri­ma­ry col­or palette that pairs a light and dark green — and a light and dark sand — with a gra­di­ent exudes ener­gy and depth. A sec­ondary palette of yel­low and light blue estab­lish­es hier­ar­chy through­out the brand, and the ter­tiary palette bor­rows from high­lighter and pen hues to cre­ate eye-catch­ing accents. 

On the note of high­lighters and pens, one of the most dis­tinc­tive ele­ments of visu­al lan­guage is markup graph­ic lan­guage. Draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from the hand-penned checks, X’s, and oth­er pen marks an accoun­tant might use to mark up a sheet, the effect cre­ates a human, empa­thet­ic touch that at once con­nects with Comulate’s tar­get audi­ence and com­mu­ni­cates expe­ri­ence and trust. 

Comulate2 brandguidelines
Comulate color
Comulate2 Typography 1
Comulate2 Typography
Comulate3 Type Stack
Comulate Logo Showcase Mockup
Comulate Iconography
Comulate2 Visual Language 1
Comulate2 Mockups 1
Comulate2 Mockups
Comulate2 Mockups 2
Comulate2 More Showcase
We are in love with this!! This is out of the park and we are so appreciative for your incredible partnership and dedication to our complex brand objectives. We couldn't have imagined a better outcome.
Jordan Katz, Co-founder and CEO, Comulate
Comulate end

Post-Project Impact

We’d love to hear about your brand and business challenges, even if you’re not sure what your next step is. No pitch, no strings attached.