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Phishing, cybercrime, damage to brand reputation and value, and on and on. Cyber threats abound in our digital world — but Doppel finds them and takes them down.

Across social media, crypto, domains, and app stores, Doppel provides extensive coverage of every digital channel through state-of-the-art AI (high-signal, low-noise reporting) and by tracking enforcements with an auto-generated audit trail.

The company partnered with Odi to develop a differentiated visual identity, one that was professional and sophisticated, and one which aligned with a North American user base — all the while being flexible enough to expand and appeal to multiple target audiences.

Doppel intro
Doppel Previous Identity

Brand Evaluation

Cyber secu­ri­ty is an expan­sive indus­try that impacts many peo­ple; accord­ing­ly, Doppel’s tar­get audi­ences span every­one from infor­ma­tion secu­ri­ty pro­fes­sion­als to gen­er­al coun­sel and direc­tors of brand enforce­ment to heads of mar­ket­ing and community. 

A unique chal­lenge Dop­pel faced was its com­pet­i­tive land­scape. Often­times, a company’s com­peti­tors tend to blend in and have a lot of over­lap, visu­al­ly and design-wise, but that wasn’t the case with Doppel’s com­pe­ti­tion. Still, some pat­terns emerged. Com­pet­ing brands tend­ed to use all-caps logo­types and empha­sized word­mark-only lock­ups. And while they had vary­ing col­or palettes, they tend­ed to employ non-pre­mi­um fonts and a slew of sans serifs. 

To cre­ate a stronger base for dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion, the Dop­pel team iden­ti­fied three brand attrib­ut­es: Inno­v­a­tive, Mature, and Sophis­ti­cat­ed. From there, col­lab­o­rat­ing with Odi, the project team arrived at its Sin­gle Most Impor­tant Thing (SMIT) — the theme that would guide the brand’s devel­op­ment and serve as the cor­ner­stone for its dis­tinc­tion. Doppel’s SMIT: Authen­ti­cal­ly Advanced — a vibe that instant­ly com­mu­ni­cat­ed inno­va­tion and capa­bil­i­ty, and paired those qual­i­ties with a gen­uine desire to pro­tect our dig­i­tal world. 

Doppel Attributes


In the spir­it of pro­tec­tion, Doppel’s logo­mark is named The War­den. Cir­cu­lar in nature, with lines that evince dynamism and the inter­sect­ing swirl of pro­tec­tion capa­bil­i­ties and tech­nolo­gies, the mark fea­tures a shield at its heart. 

The logo­type is set in SK-Mod­ernist font and uses title cas­ing; the lock­up con­sists of The War­den accom­pa­nied by the logo­type to its right. The font, with its mix of strong let­ter­forms and curves, con­veys con­sis­ten­cy, author­i­ty and security. 

SK-Mod­ernist serves as Doppel’s pri­ma­ry type­face. Sim­ple and leg­i­ble, the font is a work­horse. To add more notes of strength, Own­ers Wide — a wide set sans serif — accents sec­ondary head­lines. The com­bined effect of the fonts feels both tech-for­ward and trustworthy.

Doppel logorefinement
Doppel logodetail
Doppel Logo Showcase Mockup

Visual Language

A mono­chro­mat­ic blue pri­ma­ry palette — fea­tur­ing cus­tom-named col­ors such as Ter­mi­nal, Cyber, and Cloud — was a sur­pris­ing option, as none of Doppel’s com­peti­tors had leaned into the sense of secu­ri­ty such a palette express­es. A sec­ondary palette that fea­tured bold and vibrant col­ors added pop and punch — the per­fect accents to high­light Doppel’s dynam­ic pro­tec­tion capabilities. 

Illus­tra­tion serves as the brand’s pri­ma­ry visu­al lan­guage ele­ment, with a style that uses sim­ple lines and shapes pieced togeth­er in col­lege-style com­po­si­tions. It’s a com­pelling and flex­i­ble way to tell a story. 

Also flex­i­ble is Doppel’s pat­tern work, a grid-based sys­tem that uses lines to cre­ate armored plat­ing and cir­cles to make riv­ets and fas­ten­ers — lit­er­al­ly pro­tec­tive ele­ments that evoke Doppel’s abil­i­ty to safe­guard its clients’ brands. 

Doppel Brand Guidelines
Doppel Color Palette
Doppel Typography 1
Doppel Typography
Doppel Type Stack
Doppel Pattern
Doppel Mockups 1
Doppel Iconography
Doppel Mockups
Doppel Mockups 2
Doppel Mockups 3
Doppel More Showcase

Brand Support

What’s more excit­ing than build­ing a brand? Watch­ing it come alive on your web­site. Dop­pel enlist­ed the help of Odi’s Brand Sup­port team to do just that. From home­page schemes to blog posts, from indus­try and prod­uct pages to com­peti­tor com­par­isons, Doppel’s new brand took shape — and it was ready to take on any and all challengers.

Doppel bs icons3
Doppel bs blog
Doppel bs testimonial
It was a pleasure working with the Odi team, and the rebrand was critical for helping us share our broader vision to protect public and private organizations from cybercrime and IP theft.
Kevin Tian, CEO + Co-Founder, Doppel
Doppel end

Post-Project Impact

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