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Formance builds and operates companies’ payment solutions through their Open Source Financial Core approach.

We worked with the team at Formance to build an identity that conveyed the breadth of their vision and clients. Formance offers a comprehensive infrastructure solution designed to address the limitations facing payments engineers, heads of payments, and payments product managers. With advanced capabilities to express sophisticated flows of funds, Formance empowers businesses to innovate and stay ahead. The brand offers enormous value to its audiences, and it needed a new identity to better communicate that value.

Brand Evaluation

Formance’s brand attrib­ut­es were iden­ti­fied as Expert, Dar­ing, and Approach­able, which explain how the brand nav­i­gates the intri­cate details of pay­ments, explores unchart­ed pay­ment ter­ri­to­ries, and cham­pi­ons efforts to make a tra­di­tion­al­ly exclu­sive indus­try more acces­si­ble and transparent.

From there, we iden­ti­fied Sophis­ti­cat­ed Flex­i­bil­i­ty as the Sin­gle Most Impor­tant Thing (aka SMIT) for the For­mance brand. For­mance tack­les com­plex chal­lenges head-on, enabling inno­v­a­tive and tai­lored solu­tions to dynam­ic pay­ment needs.

Formance Previous Identity
Formance Attributes
Formance SMIT or General


Build­ing on the attrib­ut­es of the For­mance brand, the mark, named Con­nec­tor,” serves as the cen­tral hub for finan­cial infra­struc­ture. Craft­ed with a flu­id motion, the cir­cu­lar shape express­es an approach­able ener­gy cou­pled with tech­ni­cal empow­er­ment, all while remain­ing inclu­sive and accessible.

The logo­type is the type­face Poly­math, which har­mo­nizes geo­met­ric pre­ci­sion with con­tem­po­rary stroke widths that mir­ror the intri­cate details of the logo­mark. It exudes con­fi­dence, ampli­fied by its high x‑height, giv­ing the brand a com­mand­ing presence. 

When locked up, the logo real­ly comes into its own through a simul­ta­ne­ous­ly clas­sic and futur­is­tic feel. The logo­type is sim­ple, expert, and approach­able, while the logo­mark is for­ward-think­ing, dar­ing, and intricate.

Formance Refinement
Formance Logo Showcase Mockup
Formance Final Logo

Visual Language

At the core of our brand­ing strat­e­gy is a dynam­ic typo­graph­ic sys­tem. OhNo’s Poly­math type­face car­ries over from the logo­type, con­vey­ing a sense of for­ward-think­ing while remain­ing high­ly leg­i­ble, ensur­ing that head­lines com­mand atten­tion and com­mu­ni­cate the mes­sage effec­tive­ly. Space Mono brings a sense of tech­ni­cal­i­ty and moder­ni­ty, which is per­fect for but­tons and call­outs where pre­ci­sion and clar­i­ty are paramount.

The visu­al lan­guage inte­grates the con­nec­tor con­cept across all facets of the brand. It’s not only adapt­able but also scal­able, facil­i­tat­ing fur­ther graph­ic rep­re­sen­ta­tion and an array of shapes to artic­u­late the cus­tomiza­tion, infra­struc­ture, and inter­con­nect­ed pay­ment solu­tions For­mance offers.

The pri­ma­ry col­or palette embod­ies sim­plic­i­ty, moder­ni­ty, and a touch of lux­u­ry. Emer­ald and Slate form the bedrock of the iden­ti­ty, capa­ble of tak­ing the lead when the spot­light calls. Gold, Lilac, Cobalt, and Mint round out the sec­ondary palette, adding depth and balance.

Shades seam­less­ly blend all col­ors into a cohe­sive whole. From estab­lish­ing type hier­ar­chy to sup­port­ing UI ele­ments and back­grounds, these ver­sa­tile neu­trals play a piv­otal role in main­tain­ing visu­al bal­ance and clarity.

Formance Guidelines Grid
Formance Color Palette
Formance Typography 1
Formance Typography
Formance Mockups
Formance Formance Launch 10
Formance Mockups1
Formance Mockups2
Formance Mockups3
Formance Formance Launch 41


We had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring the whole sys­tem to life in reimag­in­ing Formance’s home­page to reflect spe­cif­ic aspects of the new brand. For instance, the con­nec­tor ele­ments illus­trate the mod­u­lar­i­ty of the For­mance plat­form, and the col­or palette exudes sophis­ti­ca­tion and calm.

A dash pat­tern adds tex­ture that enhances the over­all nar­ra­tive, visu­al­ly con­vey­ing the brand’s adapt­abil­i­ty and tech­no­log­i­cal prowess while adding sub­tle motion to the home­page experience.

Formance ui
Formance ui 1
Formance Interactive
Formance ui3
Formance ui4
Formance end
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