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Nori is on a mission to scale carbon removal, with the ultimate goal of reversing climate change.

Nori’s carbon removal issuing program, registry, and marketplace simplify a complicated market, increasing transparency, trust, efficiency, and impact for buyers and sellers alike.

Nori makes it easy for businesses to drive positive climate impact by giving them access to verified carbon removal credits that: support regenerative farmers in the U.S.; help scale the technology underpinning promising durable solutions; and can be integrated directly into products.

Nori Intro

Brand Evaluation

Noris mis­sion requires trust and trans­paren­cy, but its pre­vi­ous iden­ti­ty (fea­tur­ing an over­ly robust col­or­ful palette and opaque visu­al lan­guage) didn’t effec­tive­ly com­mu­ni­cate that. It need­ed a part­ner to help build a brand it could be proud of — a brand it could align with the impor­tant mis­sion it’s set out to achieve.

Nori’s cho­sen brand attrib­ut­es — Sci­en­tif­ic, Opti­mistic, Endur­ing — describe how the brand deserves to be per­ceived. We eval­u­at­ed Nori’s com­pet­i­tive land­scape and found brands with suc­cess­ful iden­ti­ties, but few who demon­strat­ed these par­tic­u­lar attributes.

We dis­tilled our eval­u­a­tion into a SMIT (Sin­gle Most Impor­tant Thing), Sci­ence-Backed San­guine, using it as the foun­da­tion for our rec­om­men­da­tions for Nori’s new brand. Chief among these rec­om­men­da­tions were: a refined palette; a pre­mi­um type sys­tem with clear hier­ar­chy; human­ized visu­al lan­guage; and a logo­mark that evokes trust and transparency.

Nori Previousidentity2
Nori marketplace


We explored a num­ber of con­cepts for Nori’s logo, includ­ing refine­ments to and recon­struc­tions of the exist­ing logo. But of all our explo­rations, one mark direc­tion stood apart.

Nori’s new mark, Sea­weed, exudes Sci­ence-Backed San­guine on mul­ti­ple lev­els. The let­ter­mark smart­ly com­bines a down­ward arrow into the shape of an N,” rep­re­sent­ing the brand name while also high­light­ing Nori’s ambi­tions for car­bon removal and its role as a con­nec­tor in the indus­try. The paths of the arrows form a leaf shape in the neg­a­tive space, fur­ther dri­ving the brand’s con­nec­tion with the environment. 

Nori’s logo­type is set in all-caps Euros­tile Extend­ed, with some slight let­ter­form alter­ations to make the mark more own­able and dis­tinct, fur­ther con­tribut­ing to a bal­anced and trust­wor­thy expression.

Nori Logo refinements
Nori logo detail
Nori Logo Showcase Mockup
Nori logodetail2

Visual Language

Nori’s new visu­al lan­guage was dri­ven by optimism.

The brand’s pri­ma­ry palette draws inspi­ra­tion from the wide range of col­ors found in nature, with deep and expres­sive Pine and Sand bal­anc­ing out vibrant Flo­ra and Glac­i­er. Nori’s sec­ondary palette pro­vides addi­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties to cre­ate hier­ar­chy and strik­ing col­or pair­ings through­out brand applications.

Nori’s pri­ma­ry type­face is a nuanced serif that con­veys human­i­ty and sophis­ti­ca­tion. Inter­na­cional, the sec­ondary type­face, com­bines mod­ern and clas­sic ele­ments to cre­ate an intel­li­gent and coher­ent impres­sion. The ter­tiary type­face, Akku­rat Mono, harkens Nori’s Sci­en­tif­ic brand attribute, inject­ing tech- and data-cen­tric impres­sions through its mono­space structure.

We iden­ti­fied four ways Nori’s art direc­tion could come to life. Arrows add aes­thet­ic inter­est while allud­ing to car­bon removal and the goal of decreas­ing the con­cen­tra­tion of green­house gasses in the atmos­phere. Images of clouds help round out com­po­si­tions and add dis­tinc­tion and own­abil­i­ty in a way that feels nat­ur­al, opti­mistic, and pos­i­tive. Nature pho­tog­ra­phy high­lights the ben­e­fits of a cli­mate with less car­bon diox­ide in the atmos­phere while posi­tion­ing Nori as a means to a clear­er future. And a data visu­al­iza­tion design sys­tem helps the brand clear­ly con­vey information.

Nori Big Brand Guidelines Grid
Nori Color Palette
Nori Typography 1
Nori Type Stack
Nori Mockups 1
Nori Mock2
Nori Mockups
Nori Mockups 2
Nori ui Mockups
Nori final2
Odi crafted our new logo and delivered visual brand guidelines that not only aligned with our vision but also could realistically be implemented and brought to life successfully by our team. That last part is key.
Heidi Sloane, Senior Marketing Manager at Nori
Nori More Showcase

Post-Project Impact

We’d love to hear about your brand and business challenges, even if you’re not sure what your next step is. No pitch, no strings attached.